
Showing posts from May, 2022

Partner With Anthony Program

  Partner With Anthony Affiliate Marketing So many people think oh my gosh I got to  spend a fortune to build a business  online you absolutely don't you can  start your very own online business  right now for as little as five dollars  a day here's all you got to do hey w hat's up Anthony Morrison and welcome  to this video where I'm gonna talk to  you about how you can start an online  business and spend just as little as five  dollars a day making it happen.      Affiliate Marketing, if you've watched other videos,  got a company out there that has  products and they want to sell those  products.  So you've got this  company they want to sell products they  need some help so they get affiliates  people like me and people like you to  basically help them do their marketing.  S o what this means is you go put an ad  out here on the Internet okay and you  send customers and you send traffic over  to this big company and when somebody  makes a purchase the compan